Saturday, July 09, 2005

Here goes.

Okay. I've been reading blogs for a while now. My first and favorite website was Tom Tomorrow's, which I started reading before I graduated college. I didn't know it was a blog, I just thought it was pretty cool that the guy posted his thoughts on the day's news on his own website.

Just like I didn't know that the Misfits were punk when we listened to them in grade school, I just thought it was cool that the guy had a song where he belted out "I ain't no goddamn sonofabitch".

Just like that.

Right. So this is my shot at therapy from the day's unrelenting asault on our senses and sensabilies.

All the small defeats a day demands, like the song says.

I hope it's good (or at the very least not completely embarassing) but one can never tell with these things.

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