Sunday, January 29, 2006

A prediction for 2006

This year, more people will die in Iraq.

Like this guy.

Here's another prediction: Upon hearing this, I will feel sad. Congress will further cut veterans' benefits, citing the need to restrict government growth. The apparent irony of such an action by the supposed party of strong national defense will yet again, go unnoticed.

Assholes like myself will screech about the unfairness of this, changing nothing.

A few more predictions: Twenty years from now, the two children of this guy who actually bother to register and vote will most certainly vote Republican, citing their abiding faith, the memory of their slain veteran father, and a desire to win (the still ongoing) war on terror.

Assholes like myself will screech about the unfairness of this, changing nothing.

I'm sick of people getting killed.

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