Saturday, July 16, 2005

A few more reasons why Rove couldn't possibly be guilty

Earlier I linked to This Modern World, where the estimable Greg Saunders laid out a good case for why Rove couldn't possibly be guilty.

This week (by which I mean two days later) World O'Crap adds a few more to the tally.

I have one of my own: "The Harry Potter Defense": Rove can't possibly be sent to jail, because he IS, in reality, Voldermort, and Harry has to fight him again in the last movie. So Rove can't possibly go to jail, because how, logistically would Harry fight him there?

Get sent to jail on pot charges, where after being taken in by the local Aryan brotherhood, he finds out Voldemort (Rove, which would explain a lot) is their leader, which results in not only a bloody gang prison fight, but one that involves magic as well?

I mean, that would just be ridiculous. Rove must stay free, so Harry can fight him in the Rose Garden at the White House. But if they do make a movie about it, I have the copyrights.

Update: My dear sweet good buddy Ryan (of Valient Thorr fame*) is totally getting us comp tickets into this year's Warped Tour. Which only more strongly validates my point that they're an amazing band whose worth and talent should never be questioned by anyone.

*And yes, I realize that fame is quite subjective, and by most people's subjective standards, they're not famous. But my standards, as always, are loose, open to changing, and if comp tickets or comp booze are involved, entirely up for grabs.

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