Tuesday, July 12, 2005

War of the Turds

So last night we went to War of the Worlds, which didn't hold out much promise of blowing my mind. It was fine, but not mind-blowing. What was mind-blowing was the capacity of the fuckhead behind us to talk pretty much throughout the picture.

Just when you'd start to get into the movie--BAM! There goes loudmouth running his damn yapper.

So how about that Karl Rove, eh? Turns out he's likely a criminal.

Color me fucking shocked.

And on top of that, the President (and I use the term loosely) said, through his official mouthpiece, Scott McClellan that whoever was involved would be fired.

Actually, his exact words were "At a minimum."

I wonder if that will happen?

(Insert sounds of crickets chirping, to be followed by sound of hell freezing over.)

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