Sunday, November 06, 2005

500,000 reasons for a truly unbiased judiciary (or, "That's Alito, Sammy Alito)

Nathan Newman thinks Bush's most recent nominee to the supreme court (you know, after his last went down in flames) should be stopped because of his stances on worker's and business issues.

Man, that's so proletarian. Hippie. That kind of thinking went out, like in the 30's.

NARAL and the National Organization of Women of course think Alito should be stopped because of his stance on women's issues. Of course, they would, being uppity 'wimmin' and everything. If they were attractive and docile, they'd quit worrying about their rights.

I would mention his stances on civil rights issues, but we all know that's just code for black folks' issues, and we're way past giving a crap about that.

But if all else fails (and the country decides that workers, minorities and women don't count for anything) then perhaps this will stick.

Now, dear readers I know you might be surprised to find out that prominent and powerful political and legal cheeses might use their power and influence toward their own ends, but it actually does happen. And right now, the Republicans seem to enjoy market domination. Not that this lets Democrats off the hook, but don't the folks actually running the country carry a little more responsibility?

Which brings us back to Sammy "Vanguard" Alito.

I'm sure he'll make a fine justice. Just dandy.

Seriously, if you don't use your rights, will you notice them when they're gone?

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