Friday, November 18, 2005

Well, shit.

Looks like the heartless trounced the helpless.

We do get this choice quote from Todd Akin, a Missouri conservative. It's revealing of Republican attempts to pass the damn thing.

Apparently, W. spent his busy time aboard Air Force One to phone reluctant Congresspersons to vote for the bill. When speaking with Representative Akin, the shizzle went down thusly:
…Bush was on the phone aboard Air Force One on the way back, still scrambling for votes. But he wasn’t having much success. He failed to persuade at least five GOP members who had voted for an earlier version of the bill to back the measure headed to the floor.

One of them was Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.), a staunch conservative who was elected along with the president in 2000. Akin explained his concerns to Bush about the bill’s cost, adding: “I’m sorry, Mr. President. It’s a vote of conscience.”

A testy Bush shot back: “Are you saying I don’t have a conscience?”

Ahem, well if the shoe fits, it's a duck. Right?

Below, Frozen Old Person, coming to a family near you. Soon to be followed by February's Blockbuster Hit: Frozen and Evicted Poor Person Dies a Cold Death.

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